David Neuman began his Olive Oil career as a Commis Chef at the Four Seasons Hotel, Washington, D.C. in 1985, cooking with great olive oil. After years of employment in the Specialty and Natural Foods industry, he was hired as President and Partner of Lucini Italia, and for the next 9 years grew it to become the premier Italian Olive Oil brand in America. Upon selling the business in 2014, David opened Gaea North America with the assistance of its parent company, Gaea Products S.A. in Greece. Together they focused on selling the best Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oils available. In late 2021 David was recruited to lead an established company as CEO, Dave's Gourmet a leader in the hot sauce and pasta sauce categories. In 2023 they launched a line of single estate EVOO and Chili Olive Oils. He has since retired and is focused on family , the Semone EVOO and his EVOO passion.
His participation is vast in the Olive Oil field:
○ ONAOO (Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori Olio di Oliva) Imperia, Italy, International Olive Council Accredited: Panel Taster – 2011; Level 1, Professional Taster Level 2, graduating from 3 year program 2018 (Rome), Current
○ Quarterly blind tastings with ONAOO professors to maintain his qualifications
○ Has instructed olive oil tastings, blind comparisons and provides knowledge to over 2,000+ trade and consumers alike with his signature Extra Virgin Olive Oil 101 course.
○ Speaker at the Keller and Heckman LLP Seminar – Defending Your Supply Chain: The Case of Extra Virgin Olive Oil - NYC and San Francisco
○ Presenter at the AOCS (American Oil Chemists Society) conference multiple years
○ Olive Oil Competition Judge annually
○ Member of the Varietals, 2011 – 2014: Attending annual harvest in various countries with the Varietals to learn techniques from the growers and producers and how Extra Virgin Olive Oil is used around the world in various cuisines.
○ Keynote speaker at the WOOE (World Olive Oil Exposition) Madrid, Spain – March 2018
EVOO Czar for Mediterranean Diet Round Table 2020-2022